• Eel Garden Dahab Egypt
  • Eel Garden Dahab Egypt
  • Eel Garden Dahab Egypt
  • Eel Garden Dahab Egypt
  • Eel Garden Dahab Egypt

Eel Garden Dahab Egypt tours, booking, prices, reviews

Eel Garden Dahab is a beautiful diving site which located in Dahab South Sinai, Egypt. In fact, the Eel Garden Dahab derives its name from the enormous population of Garden eels. The Eels that make their homes on the expansive sandy slope which spans this section of coast. The diving site is an incredible sight which beholds hundreds of these timid creatures. Furthermore, they stretch high out of their holes in the sand. They will also sway in the current like a field of grass. Take a short swim out over the reef table of the site. In fact, the dive starts through a small lagoon which winds out onto the main reef. And then, crossing the sloping coral white sand which borders the reef.

The carpet of eels will come into view. In fact, it is to snatch food particles out of the water passing by in the current. Once you get close enough, the cautious eels withdraw to the safety of their sandy homes. In fact, they will synchronize with your approach, emerging again behind you, as you leave. The Eel Garden Dahab features sandy bottom. In fact, it is also home to plenty of inquisitive Thorn-back trunk-fish. Moreover, the sandy bottom is also the home of Blue razor wrasse who circle around the divers as they swim. They look to pick up particles from the sand disturbed by their fin kicks.

Further details about the Eel Garden Dahab diving site:

While the eels are spectacular to see, there is much more to discover at this dive site. In fact, it is once you pass the slope and rejoin the main reef. There you can find large schools of Anthias and patrolling Lion-fish. You will also find morays who hide in the reef. Furthermore, you maybe will find Crocodile-fish or Blue-spotted stingrays lying on the sand. The divers pass one of the healthiest and most colorful shallow reefs in Dahab. In fact, it is on the swim back to the exit point. The reef sports a multicolored array of stony and soft corals, as well as plenty of anemones.

Get rest on the sandy bottom. You will have a perfect opportunity to discover more cryptic inhabitants of the reef. It is such as the many nudibranchs and scorpion-fishes. Keep your eye out for an elusive Ornate ghost pipe-fish. As the sun reflects off the sand, the true colors of this vibrant reef highlighted. In fact, it makes the Eel Garden Dahab an ideal spot for photography. You don’t need to be an experienced diver to do this dive. Moreover, it is also perfect for Snorkeling.

Eel Garden Dahab diving site facts:

Location: Dahab, 28°30.300 N; 34°31.194 E.
Site Name: Eel Garden Dahab.
Description: Shore dive / coral garden /.
Eel Garden Depth: 1 – 30 meters (3 – 100 feet).
Visibility: 30 meters (100 feet).

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